About Us

About Us

Global Trip Guides

At the Global Trip Guides, we are of the opinion that any trip is a chance at learning. Created by a group of experienced travelers and lovers of the outdoors, our goal is to guide wanderlusts to the joy of discovering the world fearlessly.

Who Are We??

We are practical nomadic travelers, travel journalists eager for new tastes, cultural anthropologists, and nature lovers. This love for travel fuels our pursuit to gather all essential information for travelers regardless of their experience or type of trip they plan on having.

What We Do

Whether you are planning for a famous tourist destination or a virtual journey across space, Global Trip Guides has researched, packaged, and presented travel guides, tips and insights to ensure that no hitches will be encountered on your trip. We do our best to give you information about places you have not even heard of or simply to give you tips about places you would never consider visiting so that your vacations could be extraordinary.

Our Comitment

It is our responsibility to encourage people to travel sustainably to different cultural facilities. Taking our groups through those countries, or regions of the world that are culturally sensitive, our guides educate our guests on how they can promote good culture while in these communities. Our gang thinks that travelling is not so much about watching whatever there is to see; rather, it’s discovering and interacting with people and places in an empowering and enlivening manner that accrues to both the tourist and the host community.